Project Background
The manufacturer of custom steel beams and the roofing accessories asked us to create a web app with an order management system and unique product drawings editor (like a web-based CAD system to create drawings for the required product).
We started with the implementation of the React.JS editor as a proof-of-concept. Then the client decided to move further and began the work on the OMS and the backend. Thus, we created a workable MVP that was going to be used by the client's company internally.
The solution satisfices both the manufacturer and its customers’ needs. In the core of the application there is an order management system covering all production processes on the manufacturer side. Several modules were created for the effective management and optimization:
- Workflow module for project management — each submitted order goes into the "Submitted" column within the board. Company staff moves the order card between columns to indicate the order state (manufacturing, prepared for delivery, shipped, delivered).
- Deliveries module — a scheduler for orders deliveries with drag-and-drop functionality and integration with the workflow module.
- MYOB integration module — a fully working one-way integration between the app and MYOB (a popular Australian accounting system used worldwide).
- PDF generator module — PDF documents are generated out of orders and invoices. The PDFs can be downloaded directly or sent by email.
- Notifications module — staff and end-customers are informed about the changes in the order via emails and SMS notifications. It is built around Amazon SES and Amazon SNS services.
The app also supports customers at every step of their journey, from placing an order to receiving the shipment. They get access to an online product drawings editor.
The key features of the editor include:
- Seamless drawing with a few mouse clicks, defining the positions and the number of finish bends;
- An online calculation of orders according to the chosen options;
- Selection of a detail material, thickness and color;
- Automatic price calculation.
Tech Highlights:
- JavaScript
- Python
- React
- Redux
- Bootstrap
- Axios
- Grommet
- JSON Web Token
- Immutable.js
- Django
- Django REST framework
After significant time of internal usage and improvements we expanded the solution, and it became a SaaS startup in the manufacturing space. It became the application for manufacturing companies, designed specifically for small and medium-sized enterprises.
Customer Says
After working with the Sibers team for over two years, we have been delighted with our experience. Sibers have acted as a true extension of our business and have become a critical part of our success. The quality of work coupled with their ability to scale and grow their involvement with our own business has given us unparalleled flexibility. It has, and continues to be, a highly successful partnership.