History Educational Application

U.S. History 101

Project Background

Our clients were two friends interested in combining history and technology into a single educational iPad app focused on American presidents.


A scrollable timeline was at the core of the application Sibers built. Every American president, from George Washington to Barack Obama, is displayed on the timeline. Once the desired president is found, the user simply taps his icon, which leads to a biographical article containing images, text, and internal/external links.

Beneath the timeline, a display highlights various key events. Some of these events have their own article inside the app, which can be accessed via the “information” button. Historical maps and a quiz section round out the user’s experience.

Tech highlights

  • Objective-C
  • UIKit.framework
  • Foundation.framework
  • CoreGraphics.framework
  • QuartzCore.framework
  • MessageUI.framework
  • FacebookSDK
  • TwitterSDK


Currently selling in the App Store, this iPad application was a good investment for its founders, having generated popularity amongst students and casual American history fans alike.

Customer Says

Fantastic expertise and beautifully realised work again. Our team at Sibers was very adaptable and understanding as we went through design changes and delays. Most importantly, they were able to deliver at all times what we had envisioned. Very satisfied! (July 2013)

Frederik M. — Owner at Historical Web Projects

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